Lisa DeAngelis

Explore, Build, Embrace, & Align

Discover the art of sustainable change with Lisa DeAngelis, a holistic change practitioner, author, and transformative speaker. Uncover the secrets to meaningful transformation and embrace a life that is fully your own.

Filtering by Category: Presence

Time and Space

Well…here we are! It’s clearly been too long, as I’m seeing my first foray into blogging stalled out fairly heartily. I suppose we live and we learn! Truth be told, adhering to anything on a regularly consistent (read: regimented) basis has never been a strong suit of mine - in fact taking a course of medicine which requires dosage at a specific time each day gives me a significant amount of anxiety - without fail, I forget to take a dose. Then forget whether I remembered and actually did take it or TOTALLY forgot. Then end up having anxiety about whether or not I’d double dose myself by accident…you can see where this is going. I thought for a long time this was some sort of failure point; a character shortcoming that highlighted my inability to stick with something. And of course this led me to wonder about the unconscious part of me that so heartily revolted against repeating the same action at the same time each day?

But time and space are interesting gifts we’ve been given. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned with perspective, it’s that many aspects of are lives are more indirect than they are direct. Sure, we have a specific goal in mind, but often we’ll take a rather round about way to get there. And sometimes we realize our goal shifted completely and we’re working towards a completely different aim after all.

I’m in a current mind space that’s shifted me - I recently completed a 2-day workshop and became a New Paradigm MDT practitioner - and I’m wondering about all the focus and investment we put on following a set path. A wise woman recently used the analogy that time is sort of like a bowl of soup. With a sweet, juicy carrot there that you really have a taste for. Right now, the carrot could be right next to your spoon…but even one small stirring of the soup and it might be on the other side of the bowl before too long. (Disclaimer: the sweet, juicy line was my addition…I must be a little hungry…)

But this got me thinking about the learning process and each of our individual journeys. It’s so tempting to try and make things fit into our own convenient time and space, because after all, isn’t that the pretty little package we're all working so hard to get? The reality is that the journey-ing is where the change happens, and sometimes time and space is not only welcome, but required. Whether to integrate change, truly be ready for a new space, or for a number of different things to finally come together in a way that makes sense, one of the reasons this work resonates with me is this: Nothing is prescribed. No outcome, no guarantee, and certainly no linear path. But what is even more exciting is that when we welcome the time and space, the moments of change often come. Perhaps unaware, we allow exactly what needs to happen to come out entirely different than we we walked in.

So, let’s revel in the time and space we have - and remind ourselves that maybe, just maybe, we can preemptively be grateful for what we didn’t even realized we needed all along.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

- Carl Sagan, Astronomer

The Power of Intention: #WhatsYourGoal

One of the best things about the world we live in today is the cultural, social, and personality diversity that surrounds us. Not only diversity in the way we conventionally know it, but because of the way diversity and individuality is now a quality widely accepted and celebrated. We've evolved into a culture that aims to address problems and find solutions by honoring that individuality, and harness it, utilizing the power of 're' - by recreating, reinventing, re-educating. 

I'm certainly in the business of re-education. It can be a hard path at times. Re-education doesn't happen simply or slowly, and it takes something none of us enjoy very much: stopping. Ironically enough, it's not that we actually need to stop, but simply pause, and in that pause, take stock of what's going on then choose how we'll move forward. And that simple process changes the result. 

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Blooming Presence

We live in a world of accumulation. Specialization. Accomplishment. And as we acquire all this knowledge, wisdom, and experience we become... something. That abstract ideal of whatever it is we'll be when we finally 'make' it. But what does that really mean? How do we know when we've made it? 

What if, instead of focusing on simply acquiring more we shifted something? What if we began looking at how we could better learn to use and make the most of what we have to make intentional choices about where we want to go? Sure, we always want to keep an eye out for where we're going, but what about being fully connected with our path to get there? And I don't mean just seeing it with eyes wide open, but actually helping envision, develop, and build it. 

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